“Save the Date! Gather with us on September 7th 2019 for the 2nd Western New York Herbal Conference in Appleton Ny. Come together for a full day of Herbal Education, Hands-On Workshops, Guided Plant Walks and Amazing Vendors!
Just like last year, ticket prices are $65. Your contribution is what makes this conference happen! If you purchase your ticket and are not able to make it, please find someone to take your place or consider it a donation to the Western New York Herbal Conference. Without your support, we wouldn't be able to make it happen! So here's a giant THANK YOU in advance!
The paypal.me/reciprocalroots link is up and active, so if you want to get a jumpstart and reserve your attendance, you can enter the $65.00 amount when prompted. Please add your name to the "note" section!
Additional donations are also accepted with gratitude and can be submitted via the paypal link as well. If you wish to donate to the event, please add a note letting us know! More details coming soon! “
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: August 30
Won't You Be My Neighbor? Opening Reception
Later Event: September 20
Opening Reception for Freed Formats: the Book Reconsidered in Torrington, CT