“This unique and wide-ranging exhibition on both floors of the gallery includes work by 26 artists who have submitted to the Main Street Arts open call over the past 3 years. This curated selection of artwork consists of paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture and photographs by artists from our region and beyond.”
Exhibition dates: January 11–February 14, 2020
Artists: Kathryn Bilharz Gabriel, Domenica Brockman, Christine Chin, Raymond Easton, Jack Elliott, Kari Ganoung Ruiz, Robert Geroux, Nancy Gong, Michael Gow, Brandon Hall, Jenna Howell, Melissa Johnson, Matthew Knisley, Jie Li, Susan Mandl, Matthew Mitros, John Nihart, Margery Pearl Gurnett, Emma Percy, Zachary Pritchard, Nicole Reddington, Lisa Saether, Jill Smith, Zachary Tate, David Thelen, William Wolf